Be a good example…sounds
easy enough right? In the world today there is so much temptation that we must
stand our ground. As Latter Day Saints we live by much different standards than
most the world. As a convert I still have people in my life that are not
members and it is my part as a Latter Day Saint to be that example. How would it
appear if I did not live the standards of my religion?
It was not an easy
task to start living the standards that are asked by our Heavenly Father, but
they blessings are worth far more than a cup of coffee, a glass of wine, a one
night stand, or dressing immodestly.
When presenting my beliefs it is much easier to say that I believe this
church is true and I believe so much that I live by all the standards. We are
not perfect, but we should always strive to be better. We must be a little
better every day.
When I first started
investigating the church the missionaries were sent to my home because I
questioned a member on why she followed the Word of Wisdom. When I would have
parties at my house for my birthday that involved activities the church does
not approve of she would stop by to show support as a friend, but then quickly
leave. She was living the standards of the church and I often questioned why
she did. After many times of asking she said that I should ask the missionaries
and so I did. No one really gave me an answer other than it’s what we are told
and it’s what we do. I laughed at this idea.
I wondered why anyone would live certain standards yet have no defined reasons
why. Quickly I believed Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, but I could not
grasp onto all the “rules” the missionaries said I must follow if I was
baptized. I took the lessons and read the Book of Mormon, but continued living
my life how I always had been.
One day it all
clicked to me that what these Mormons were doing was acting on faith. They
believed that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and they followed his
teachings. I realized that if I believed
in Joseph Smith I had to accept the standards and live by them even if I truly
did not understand them. This is exactly what I did. I wanted to believe so I had my last drink of
alcohol, my last cup of coffee, wore my last tank top and small shorts. I
embraced the standards and it has been over two years since I have done any of
these things. I am not saying that I
have lived the standards 100 percent all the time, but there are some that I
have not wavered from.
I was so incredibly
happy the first time someone said to me, “I knew by the way you lived that you
were a Mormon.” This statement meant so much to me that because I lived a
certain way someone recognized this. I had become a great example just like my
friend had been to me. I have been in
the situation where it would have been easier to just do what everyone else was
doing, but I did not. I stood my ground and lived the standards that I know
bless your life.
I say to those who
struggle to live the standards that if you get your life on the right path your
life will be blessed. Be an example to your friends and to your family. People are more likely to be interested in
the gospel if you are interested. Be
interested in the standards you live so that when people meet you that they
know you are a Latter Day Saints. Don’t be afraid to show it and live it. This
gospel has blessed my life in so many ways. It is my happiness, my pure
happiness. I want to share it with everyone and I want people to ask why I live
by certain standards so that I can say, “Let me tell you about the Book of
Mormon.” The best way to be a missionary is to live the standards and be a good
I enjoy all of your insights.