Friday, December 6, 2013

Prayer: It is for You

  I had a talk with someone recently that has brought some thoughts to my mind. We discussed remaining calm when upset or frustrated. When I was alone later with my thoughts I wondered how do I stay calm when I am upset or frustrated. We are all human, but how is it that I stay positive and calm? I used to have a very bad temper and I would fly off the handle over little things, but today that is not who I am. You might wonder what has changed and that is my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I learned how to pray.

 This topic is for everyone. We can all pray to our Heavenly Father and the more we do it the easier it becomes. We should not only pray in time of need, but also to give thanks for all the blessings we do have. When I first joined the church I disliked praying. It felt uncomfortable and I felt like my prayers sounded silly. In fact the first time I prayed out loud in front of anyone I told the missionary, who requested that I say the prayer, that I hated him. I said it in the middle of my prayer. Not a proud moment, but a view at how much I disliked it. Over the past couple years I have learned to pray to my Heavenly Father.

  How does being frustrated and upset all the time have anything to do with prayer? Well every morning my husband and I say a prayer together. It is typically about the same things. We are thankful for our blessings, our good night rest, we hope to get to work and return safely, and that we will each have a great day. Simple and to the point, but I have a testimony that those prayers are what get me thru the day. There have been days when I am in a hurry and run out the door without saying a prayer. I can feel the change in my attitude and my outlook on the day.

 Our rule is that we pray daily at least three times. We make it a rule so that eventually it will become a habit. I challenge everyone to make prayer a priority in your life. Even those of you who are not members of the same church as me can still pray. We can all use the guidance and we must learn to talk to our Heavenly Father. How will He ever know what you are seeking if you do not ask? He will listen to everything you have to say and remember it always. My challenge to all this week is to get on your knees at least once and say a prayer to Heavenly Father, even if the prayer is silently in your own head while on your knees. You will feel a change start to happen and if you make prayer a priority then you will see a change in your life. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.


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